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Some children with dyslexia experience anxiety, especially around academic expectations.  Anxiety, in turn, makes it even more difficult for a child to learn, creating a negative feedback loop.  Untreated anxiety can also lead to depression, resulting in decreased curricular and extracurricular activities, further perpetuating the cycle. 


Anxiety may present as excessive worry or fear around separation, social situations or performance, but it may also present as anger, disruptive behavior or sleep disorders.  If you notice ongoing, significant changes in eating, sleeping, behavior, decreased interest in previously preferred activities and/or social withdrawal, consult with a mental health professional.  


MCOE: Mental health resources for students and families 

PDF list of phone numbers for hotlines, community counseling agencies and hospitals, with links to online resources and books compiled by Marin County Office of Education (MCOE)


The Atlantic: Parenting kids with anxiety

In-depth online article exploring potential causes of the increase in childhood anxiety, along with an emerging, evidence-based intervention approach (SPACE) targeting supportive (as opposed to accommodating) parenting 


Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE)

Site explaining target populations, treatment protocol, resources, list of providers, and parent forum.  SPACE was developed by Dr. Eli Lebowitz at the Yale Child Study Center.  


NY Times: Treating anxiety in children

Online article by Perri Klass, M.D. from December, 2017


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