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Events and Education 

Events and education opportunities abound throughout the country.  This list focuses on organizations based in the SF Bay Area that offer ongoing events open to the public, but also includes virtual offerings.  Calendar of curated events coming soon!


Common Ground Speaker Series

“A parent education consortium on the SF Peninsula.  Each year we present a slate of cutting-edge speakers, topics and special events designed to inform, engage and inspire our school communities.”


Children’s Health Council (CHC) Parent Education Events

Calendar includes classes for parents and educators, parent support groups, continuing education and community events


It Takes a Village Upcoming Events

Mill Valley-based organization with regular parent-education speaker series, often around topics of learning differences 


Matrix Parent Network 

San Rafael-based nonprofit that organizes trainings, events and workshops for parents and professionals.  Calendar includes dates and registration links for SELPA committee meetings for counties across Northern California. 


Marin County Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA)

Parent Workshop Calendar includes upcoming events and access to a limited number of past event videos offered through MCOE. 


Dedication to Special Education

Marin-based organization run by parents of children with special needs.  Calendar includes monthly “Parent Connections” meetings.


International Dyslexia Association (IDA) Events

Most events are geared toward professionals, but some are open to the community.  


Support for Families of Children with Disabilities and Decoding Dyslexia CA 

Families of children with dyslexia support group meets first Mondays 7-8:30 on Zoom. 

Register here


UCSF-UC Berkeley Schwab Dyslexia and Cognitive Diversity Center Events

Spring Symposia 2021: From Bench to Policy and Practice provides videos of presentations from this two-day event.


Marin County Office of Education (MCOE) Student Wellness Events

Speaker series, interactive summits and events created for and by students around topics of mental health


Bright and Quirky Summit 2021

On-demand education series with 25 video and audio recordings by a panel of 28 experts in the fields of psychology and education; current price is $197.


Parenting in Place Speaker Series

Live masterclass series (with recordings available for a limited time) featuring prominent thought leaders in parenting, neuroscience, education and well-being


Learning Disability Resources Foundation Action (LDRFA)

Special Education Events and Conferences 


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