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Accommodations for Dyslexia

Accommodations help students who think and learn differently access information and demonstrate knowledge in order to meet classroom expectations.  They “level the playing field” for both teaching and testing, allowing students to fully engage in the curriculum.  Accommodations change how students learn, but not what they learn. Modifications, on the other hand, change what a student is taught, what they are expected to learn and how they demonstrate mastery.


Accommodations should be tailored to the needs of each student, but typically involve changes in

  • Presentation: How information is presented; for example, audio textbooks for students with dyslexia

  • Response: How students complete assignments or assessments; for example, use of spell/grammar checkers 

  • Setting: Learning, working or testing environment; for example, use of noise-cancelling headphones during silent work periods

  • Timing/scheduling: For example, extra time on a test or in-class assignment


International Dyslexia Association: Accommodations for students with dyslexia

Article by Nancy Cushen White outlining a framework for accommodations, list of typical accommodations by type and links to helpful resources

​ Classroom accommodations for dyslexia

PDF article geared toward teachers to support students with dyslexia.  It lists specific suggestions for classroom materials and routines, introducing new topics, giving directions and completing tests/assignments.


ADA Requirements for testing accommodations

PDF document that outlines the legal rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act for accommodations during standardized testing

​ The Difference between accommodations and modifications

PDF chart with examples for classroom instruction, classroom testing, standardized testing and supplemental curricula

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