Assistive Technology Resources
Google Chrome assistive technology apps
Comprehensive list of products and features available with links to help pages; some demo videos
Digital books with narration and highlighted text available to individuals and schools with annual paid subscription
LD Resources Foundation Action Assistive Technology Apps
List of tools with descriptions and system requirements, relevant articles on AT, and collaboration with school AT specialists to develop comprehensive programs
Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity: Tools and technology
Link to featured content on a range of technological tools
University of Michigan: Software and AT
List of software and apps with brief descriptions and links
North Bridge Academy List of Assistive Technology Resources
PDF list of assistive technology tools by type (e.g., narrated audio books, text-to-speech, tracking, note taking) with cost, system requirements and some features
Elisheva Schwartz: 22 assistive technology tools
PDF with descriptions of apps and links to YouTube videos showing how to install and use
KQED: Technology tools that can help dyslexic students
Article from the MindShift series that explains why use of AT is not “cheating” and outlines categories of AT with links to specific tools
International Dyslexia Association: Overview of instructional and assistive technology
PDF article detailing guiding principles and framework for choosing and using AT