Suicide Prevention
Rates of suicide and attempted suicide in teens, pre-teens and even younger children have been tragically rising. As difficult as it is, we all must educate ourselves about signs of suicide, prevention resources and crisis strategies.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
Crisis Text Line - text HELLO to 741741 - connect with local mental health resources.
Text zip code to 898211
Marin County Office of Education (MCOE) Crisis Response Support
PDF with phone, text and website contact info for crisis support in English and Spanish
MCOE Mental Health Resources for Students and Families
PDF list of phone numbers for hotlines, community counseling agencies and hospitals, with links to online resources and books compiled by MCOE
One page PDF handout detailing warning signs of suicide through the acronym FACTS - Feelings, Actions, Changes, Threats, Situations
Preventing Youth Suicide (National Association of School Psychologists)
PDF handout of tips for parents and educators including risk factors, warning signs, what to do and online resources
Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide
Organization providing resources for parents, educators, teens and clinicians, including links, articles, blog, scripts for talking with children about suicide, community presentations and training for educators
Marin County Suicide Preventation Webinar
Youtube link of April 13, 2021 event